xadmaster.library got a design which is a result of programming for xfdmaster.library, programming xpkmaster.library and FD2Pragma tool. I got some problems with these and tried to fix them for xadmaster.library. I hope I got all :-) We will see in some years. The library has a very open interface allowing future enhancements easily. Nearly all funtions get their arguments through TagItem structures and all structures must be allocated through xadmaster.library which ensures the ability to expand them. The functions using Tag arrays end with A. Related varags functions end without A, but are not supported on all compilers directly. Use FD2Pragma to create link libraries for e.g. MaxonC++ compiler. The library is done in pure C code compiled with SAS-C. It does not use global variables and library bases or the ExecBase pointer from 4.W. All the necessary data is stored locally. All library functions use the normal library interface for their work (e.g. xadGetInfo does not call xadAllocObject internally, but with normal library call). The library base pointers stored in xadMasterBase should be used from clients only. No other programs should access them to ensure future compatibility! If you need additionally include files, use FD2Pragma utility. It can be found in Aminet under name dev/misc/FD2Pragma.lha. It is able to produce stub libraries, lvo, proto and pragma files and a lot of other stuff. Dirk Stöcker 14th October 1998